iOS. android. web.

App Development

Ready To Make Your App a Reality?

Our experienced team is ready to work with you regardless of where you are in the process. Do you have a great idea for an app? Do you have an app prototype ready for the next step? Do you have an existing app that needs new features, improvements, or fixes? Maybe your app works fine and just needs a desgin update…Let’s talk!


We develop high quality navite applications on all major platforms. Our code is clean, our architecture is sound, and our development is top-notch.


Powerful apps need impeccable design. From the simplest icon to the most expansive interface, we aim to design for human impact.

ASO & App Marketing

You have an app…now what? We employ a strategic and data-driven approach to optimize your app’s visibility, rankings, and downloads on leading app stores.

Development Technologies

iOS Native (Apple)

RxSwift is the primary reactive library in our apps. It’s used with a combination of other libraries from RxSwift community like RxCocoa, RxFlow that helps us to keep our codebase consistent. Also, we use Gitflow as a Git workflow design for our projects.

Android Native (Google)

We are constantly monitoring, evaluating and trying new approaches, libraries, and paradigms. Our current technologies stack is Kotlin, Android JetPack, RxJava, Koin/Dagger for dependency injection.


Flutter (Cross-Platform)

Flutter is an open source framework by Google for building beautiful, natively compiled, multi-platform applications from a single codebase.

App Marketing

You can have the best app in the world, but what worth it is if no one knows about it? App Search optimisation and marketing is the most important aspect of your app after the release.

App Store Optimisation is a great free marketing source that attracts users organically. It either works for you or against you, if you are not using it, while your competitors do. Google Play Store and App Store have different algorithms and rules on how to get your app noticed.

Code Audits and Quality Assurance

We bring a set of different testing strategies to guarantee stability, high performance, and efficiency of your app.

To ensure quality, we employ the following testing approaches:

  • Unit testing
  • Integration testing
  • Automated UI testing
  • Snapshot testing
  • Security Testing
  • Performance testing
  • A/B testing
  • Field testing

We have built a collection of all sorts of devices across the major platforms that we use for real-world field testing to ensure your app works well on all devices, platforms, operating systems, etc.

Let’s Get Started

Ready To Make a Real Change? Let’s Build this Thing Together!

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