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Custom Software Development

Ready To Build Something New?

Whatever you need built, our talented team of developers and designers are here to help. Here are a few examples of projects and applications we can help develop for you and your business

  • Customer Portals
  • Internal Portals
  • Vendor Portals
  • Mobile Apps
  • Dashboard and Reporting
  • Marketing Tools
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
  • Inventory Management
  • Ecommerce and Quoting
  • Content Management Systems (CMS)
  • HR and Payroll Applications
  • Accounting Tools

Experienced Developers

Our development team boasts years of experience working for some of the largest software companies in the world including Microsoft, IBM, and Sprint.

Personalized Solutions

Our small but talented team will work with you directly from concept to development to launch. Wildman is your partner in technology!

Multiple Tech Stacks

No matter what technology, what language, what platform, we have your back. Our team has experience in all of the major tech stacks ensuring you get the best result within your native toolset.

Wildman Web Solutions Office

Custom Software Development

The term “custom software development” is often used to describe the process of designing a custom application by an independent developer or firm. It is sometimes used interchangeably with the term “commercial off-the-shelf (COTS)” solution, but there are some important distinctions between these two terms.

Custom software development involves creating applications that are tailored to meet a specific business need while still providing all the functionality required by that business. A COTS solution, on the other hand, typically offers only limited customization options and cannot be tailored to meet specific requirements as well as custom solutions can do. COTS solutions are also purchased off-the-shelf whereas custom applications are developed specifically for each client’s needs and requirements.”


What is Custom Software Development?

Custom software is a type of software that has been developed specifically for a single user or group of users. Custom software can be developed for a single organization or for a group of organizations, and the process is generally more comprehensive than just modifying or developing new software.

Customization may involve changing existing code to fit your needs, or it may involve starting from scratch and creating something completely new. One example would be when an organization needs to build an application that will allow them to collect data about their customers and prospects, then share that information with other departments within the same company—in this case, customization would mean incorporating features such as data sharing into the application without requiring additional programming time after launch.


Custom software development is the designing of software applications for a specific user or group of users within an organization.

Custom software development is the designing of software applications for a specific user or group of users within an organization. These custom-developed applications are typically tailored to fit the needs of the client, often with special features and functionality that other off-the-shelf products do not offer. Custom software can be designed to perform a variety of tasks and functions, including:

  • Handling financial transactions
  • Accessing databases
  • Running payroll systems

It is important to note that custom software development does not always mean the creation of new applications.

Custom software development is not limited to the creation of new applications. Custom software development can also include modifications to existing applications, integrations, and even the complete lifecycle of any new application created. This can range from initial requirements gathering through acceptance testing and monitoring.

Rather, it could involve modifications to existing applications and/or their integration with other applications.

Custom software development is not limited to the creation of new applications. It could also involve modifications to existing applications and/or their integration with other applications.

In fact, custom application development is much more comprehensive than merely modifying or developing new software; it also includes the complete lifecycle of any new application created.

This includes the design, development, testing, deployment, and maintenance of the application. As you can see from this description alone, there are many different aspects to consider when choosing a custom software developer.

Why Do We Need Custom Software?

Custom software is tailored to your business needs.

Custom software is tailored to your business processes.

Custom software is secure.

Custom software is efficient.

Custom software is cost effective

Here are some of the benefits of custom software development that we have observed from our own experience and from working with our clients over the years.

Custom software development is a cost effective, flexible and secure way to meet your business needs.

Custom software is tailored to the specific needs of your business. It is not a ‘one size fits all’ solution but rather a customized application designed with your specific requirements in mind. This means that the software will be easier for you and your employees to use, and more likely to help improve productivity or efficiency in some way than off-the-shelf alternatives would be.

It also means that custom software can be tailored specifically around security concerns that may exist within your company or industry (for example: companies dealing with sensitive financial information). Custom code written by experts can ensure that the data on which you base vital business decisions remains secure from hackers and other external threats, giving peace of mind when it comes time for decision making.

With custom software, you can tailor your solution in order to meet your specific business requirements and processes without compromising on functionality.

Custom software can be tailored to meet specific business requirements and processes without compromising on functionality. You can tailor your solution in order to meet your specific business requirements and processes without compromising on functionality.

By having an independent system, you can keep your data secure and be sure that no one can misuse it or access your critical files and information without authorization.

If you use custom software, it is developed for a specific user. This means that the software can be designed specifically to fit your needs and requirements. It will be created to address specific issues and problems that you may be experiencing in your organization at the moment. In addition, it will also be designed in such a way that it does not have any negative impact on other systems within your organization.

The great thing about custom software development is that once the system has been developed, you can make modifications as required depending on what changes need to be made; this way, there will never be any conflict between systems or additional costs involved with acquiring new upgrades or releases of existing programs/applications (on top of those already being used).

The ultimate benefit that comes from using custom software is improved efficiency and productivity – because it has been developed specifically for your business processes and needs, it will streamline operations, save time and reduce costs in the long run.

Custom software also supports better security. In both cases, you can be confident that the custom program will work as required and won’t be susceptible to malicious attacks or bugs that could leave you vulnerable to cyber criminals.


With this information, you should be able to make an informed decision about the type of software development services you need. Remember that finding a skilled developer is not always easy, but it is worth the time and effort because hiring a good programmer will have a huge impact on your project’s success.

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