Don’t Follow the Herd

Last week, I was thinking about a new ad campaign for our business and trying to come up with ideas for the content. I tried looking at what everyone else was doing; friends, competitors, big brands. I found myself a bit stuck and without any brilliant ideas. Then I saw a tweet from Alex Hormozi, a business content creator (I would recommend following if you don’t already), that said this: “as a marketing rule of thumb: if everyone else is doing it, don’t do it.”

As a small business owner, it’s easy to fall into the trap of following the herd when it comes to marketing strategies. We see what our competitors are doing and assume it must be working for them. But, in reality, playing it safe can be one of the biggest risks we take in our marketing efforts. It’s time to start thinking outside the box.

There are countless examples of successful marketing campaigns that didn’t follow conventional methods. Think of the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, which went viral in 2014 and raised over $100 million for the disease. Or Dollar Shave Club, which turned a mundane product (razors) into a viral sensation with a funny and relatable marketing video.

On the other hand, sticking to traditional marketing practices can limit the potential for growth and impact a brand’s visibility with customers. In the digital age, ignoring creative avenues for marketing can result in bland and unmemorable campaigns. To stand out from the competition, we must be willing to take risks and try new things.

Of course, as with any form of innovation, there are risks involved. But the potential benefits far outweigh the drawbacks. By taking a bold and unique approach to marketing, we can attract new customers, differentiate ourselves from the competition, and create a lasting impression on our audience.

It’s important to remember that creativity doesn’t mean reckless abandon. The key is to strike a balance between boldness and practicality. Analyze your target audience, understand what makes them tick, and use that knowledge to create an innovative marketing campaign that will resonate with them.

As Hormozi would tell you, the fear of failure is the greatest obstacle to overcome. But, as he also teaches, success lies beyond that fear. By taking risks and being innovative, we can create marketing campaigns that truly make an impact and give us an edge over our competition.

Take the risk, think creatively, and strive for a bold approach that will make your brand stand out and attract customers. By innovating in your marketing efforts and breaking away from the herd, you can set yourself up for long-term success.

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