3 Ways to Repurpose Content

Repurposing content as a small business owner is super important because it will save you time, energy and effort that can be focused somewhere else. However, repurposing content doesn’t simply mean posting the same content verbatim on all platforms. It needs to be tweaked to match the strategy and expectations of whatever platform you are using to repurpose your content.

Why should I repurpose my content?


Expand your reach while condensing your time:

Repurposing your content is a great way to spread a message among multiple different audiences and platforms. This in turn will promote your original content rather than taking the time to continue to create more.

Improve your SEO:

When you have multiple pieces of content covering one keyword, you can improve your ranking in search. Not to mention the ability to link your content back to the original content source will also improve your site traffic.


What content should be repurposed?

The one and only type of content that should be repurposed is evergreen content. You may be thinking, “what the heck is evergreen content?” Lucky for you, we’ve done a deep dive into what it is, and why you should create it. You can check that out here.

But, in short, evergreen content is content that is going to stay relevant for a long time. Anything with a definite lifespan cannot be seen as evergreen.

You’ll want to use this type of content for repurposing because you could take a long-form piece of content from a year ago and cut it up into several smaller pieces today!


3 specific ways to repurpose long-form content.


1) Listicle to Instagram Carousel or LinkedIn Document Post

Listicles are great to repurpose into a carousel or document post. Now, you’ve probably heard of the Instagram Carousel, but did you know that when posting 8.5x11in. documents on LinkedIn, they will appear as a sort of carousel in the LinkedIn news feed? Listicles are awesome for these formats because you can share one fact or list item on each slide. If you have a list of over 9 items (because of course your carousel will need a title slide, and Instagram only allows a total of 10 slides) you can always make multiple of these types of posts.

2) Create videos from an e-book

Have you created an e-book covering different how-to topics? This would be a great opportunity to create either a series of TikToks/Reels or even some YouTube videos. If you know what you’re talking about you can simply use the themes and topics of the book to run your video, or you can utilize what you wrote as a script.

3) Turn a statistics heavy article into several Twitter posts:

One thing is for sure, Twitter is a place for short form content. That’s why it makes a great place to share quick stats from your different articles. If you’re feeling a bit more creative, you can also share that statistic as a small infographic to share to your audience as well. Another great thing about using these statistics for Twitter is that you can then link the article and bring people back to your website.

These are just three examples out of the many ways you can repurpose your content. If you want to learn more about different content repurposing strategies, you can read a previous article here.

If you need help repurposing your content, set up a free consultation with us, we’d love to help you.

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