
Google Page Experience Update Launched in May 2021

Google Page Experience Update Launched in May 2021

Roughly a year after the company first announced the update, it is officially here. In short, Google will highlight search results that have a great page experience and this could become a major ranking factor. Google said you may see these icons and labels in the...

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How to Find a Good Web Design Agency

How to Find a Good Web Design Agency

So you own a business. Maybe it’s brand new or maybe it’s a decade old. Either way, you know you need a website but you’re not sure where to start. You can search online and find lots of agencies, designers, developers, and even lists like this one from DesignRush:...

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Domains for Business: Where to Start

Domains for Business: Where to Start

What is a Domain? A domain is like an address for your website. Also referred to as a URL, a domain is how people navigate to your website. Utilizing a browser (like internet explorer, chrome, safari, etc) you can enter a website’s domain name into the address bar and...

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Why you should have an HTTPS website

Why you should have an HTTPS website

What difference does having an HTTPS website really make when it comes to a small business? To answer this question, let’s start by talking about what exactly HTTPS is.  HTTPS stands for hypertext transfer protocol secure and it is the secure version of HTTP. It is...

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